In collaboration with the activist group #Unteilbar, we designed a poster campaign reflecting on the society's situation in times of Covid19.
Einfach weiter so?! (Just keep on going?!) Especially in times of the pandemic, one thing is clear: we will continue to fight for an open and solidary society and advocate justice and cohesion. What we need now more than ever is solidarity.
The inhumane conditions at the EU's external borders have not improved despite the pandemic. Racism, conspiracy narratives and right-wing terror threaten us and our coexistence.
We fight for a society in which racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination have no place and fascists have no chance. Together for a society in which human rights are systemically relevant!
What we need: anti-racism & solidarity instead of exclusion!
The pandemic exacerbates inequalities. Hartz IV, precarious jobs, poor pay and additional care work bring many, especially women, into existential difficulties. We fight for a diverse, gender-equitable society in which all jobs are well paid, secure and which recognizes different lifestyles.
Together for a society that is there for everyone and that everyone helps to shape!
What we need: Justice!
Keeping distance and hygiene rules is impossible for people who are on the run, are housed in mass accommodation, live in cramped living conditions or do not have an apartment.
We fight for a society in which all people find protection from unworthy living conditions, from unaffordable rents and from domestic violence.
Together for a society in which everyone has a home!
What we need: a safe place for everyone!
The redistribution from bottom to top continues in the crisis: More and more people are affected by poverty and unemployment. Savings are made in climate protection, in the education system, in promoting culture and in the health sector. We fight for a society in which health and future prospects have priority for all people.
Together for a society in which no one has to fear for their own existence!
What we need: New social priorities!
gestus — communication visuelle & relations sociales et solidaires