Kotti-Info is an information sheet for Kottbusser Tor - for our Kotti. It is mainly written for those who live and work here, but also interesting for everyone who comes by or is otherwise interested in Kotti. In Kotti-Info you can find stories from the neighborhood, all information about the rent battles that we have been fighting for years. The focus is on the question of housing with all its facets. Kotti is located in the middle of Kreuzberg. His trademark are the social housing in which we live and work. Kotti is a colorful mix. It is the epitome of a complex urban space. For many who do not know Kotti or only briefly, it is above all a place that is characterized by its negative images. But this is only the surface and when you look closely, it also has thousands of sides. For us it is a home that is worth fighting for. There are overlapping parallel worlds of Hartz IV and permanent job, university and secondary school, there are neighbors who speak German, Persian, Arabic, English and Turkish etc. There are fat, thin, old, young and people who wear glasses. Diversity is the norm here. Kotti-Info tries to shed light on topics related to the housing issue, social projects, organizing and empowerment. Kotti-Info appears every few months in German and Turkish.
gestus — communication visuelle & relations sociales et solidaires